Engineering Services
FEA & Conventional Stress Analysis
Because of our familiarity with stress analysis, many problems can be resolved with conventional hand calculations. For those instances when that is not practical, we can instead produce a digital 3D model which will allow the prediction of stress, deflection, or both the ability to quickly solve stress analysis problems using a combination of these methods aids our design of new products or evaluation of the cause of failure of existing items.
Load Testing
Custom Testing for Load Certification or FEA Certification.
Simulation of anticipated loading (pressure, force, or both) can aid in evaluating the effects of service when designing a part or trying to determine the cause of a part’s failure.
Strain Gauges
Types: Dynamic, Wireless, Baked-On, Bridges
For: Structures, Shaft Power, or Torque & Remote Monitoring
We use strain gauges with dynamic computer data acquisition and even telemetry from rotating shafts to answer questions of how stress is affected by use.
We have utilized this method during bridge repair and can provide this service where rope access is required viz collaboration with FIT Engineering.